
Content marketing that excites and converts

Become an authority in search engines on the topics your customers care about.

Exploring the questions users are asking

We start by exploring search behaviour to identify the questions on people’s minds. Our research isn’t based purely on keywords; we use keywords as a base to identify more detailed topics and queries that reveal customer concerns at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

Topic mapping

Once we’ve identified the main search queries, we group common themes into clusters which help us to more effectively plan our content strategy.

When planning onsite blog content, we use a hub and spoke approach to map the content. This creates natural opportunities for interlinking between pages, which improves the customer experience and keeps them onsite.

Writing useful content

Whether it be a blog series, an interactive tool or a microsite, we’ll choose the right format for your campaign and create content that shines. Our goal is to make something that is truly useful and unique, which encourages natural linking and sharing.

Getting it out there

Once your content campaign is brought to life, we spread the word by outreaching it to publications and influencers who have an affinity with your brand.

By acquiring high quality, natural links and brand mentions from trusted sources, we’ll drive interested visitors to your content and improve your own domain trust in the process.